Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay on Definitions of Health - 1228 Words

Definitions of health It is fairly difficult to define health as there are no agreements between scholars. This is why many sociologists focus their research on the different issues and problems of ill health. Positive definition of health: positive health looks at the physical, emotional, intellectual aspects of a person’s wellbeing. This is in the way that they do not have any diseases or ailments. An example of the positive definition of health in a health and social care is a nurse in who is working in a hospital can say to one of their patients that have recently started exercising to become more ‘healthier’ ‘you look very healthy’. Positive health looks at what aspects of health are there and which ones make us healthy.†¦show more content†¦An example of holistic health could be that a psychologist’s client may have bipolar disorder and the psychologist would still focus on all of the other aspects of their client’s life and not just on the symptoms the client is experiencing of bipolar disorder. Holistic health looks as everything as a whole and never different aspects of health individually. World Health Organisation definition of health: the World Health Organisation defines health as â€Å"not merely an absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being.† (2013 K Pritchett Class Notes) An example of health defined by the World Health Organisation in a health and social care setting could be that in order for a patient of a doctors surgery to be healthy they would have to have a complete state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being. This means that if a patient was in a wheel chair they could never be seen as healthy as they do not have a complete state of physical well-being. The World Health Organisation thinks that people must have all complete aspects to be completely healthy. The Clinical Iceberg ‘The Clinical Iceberg’ is a term used to call the levels of illnesses that are found from official statistics. This is because some people do not always seek medical attention when they become ill therefore these official statistics may not be correct and showing the ‘true’ levels ofShow MoreRelatedWhat is the Definition of Health?939 Words   |  4 PagesWhere there is life there is health. In 1948 the World Health Organization defined health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.† Whereas previously, health had be identified as solely the absence of disease or infirmity. Through research and study, it was recognized that health is the domain of physical and mental functioning. The state of health is then the degree to which these functions are in equilibrium with the physicalRead MoreDefinition of Health Essay1220 Words   |  5 PagesDefinition of Health One can define health negatively, as the absence of illness, or positively, as fitness and well-being. Health also implies good prospects for continued survival. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity(Health, 2006). This writer defines health not only as the absence of illlness but also as being healthy as it relates to health promotion. 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According to Chenoweth (n. d.) â€Å"the health status of your employees directly influences their work behavior, attendance and on-the-job performance . . . improving employee well-being will result in a more productive workforce† (p. 1). The purpose of an employee wellness program is to promote healthier employees who because they are healthy are happier more productive employees (Danna Griffin, 1999). Wellness programs have positive outcomes for both the employerRead MoreThe Health Organ ization s Given Definition Of Health1418 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferences in our health vary from one person to the other. With that being said, each of us distinctly has specific beliefs when it comes to our own personal health and wellness. It mostly depends on one’s own choices, culture, religious beliefs as well as the way they are raised. Our own practices greatly affect and determine our personal health and well-being. Health is a concept that pertains to the state of one’s entire well-being. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay about World War II as a Good War - 1892 Words

World War II as a Good War The vast majority of Americans supported World War II (WWII) after Pearl Harbor was bombed, recognizing a fascist threat to Western democracy. WWII was a good war. It had the ability to unite America. They united against Nazism and fascism. But even a good War has its bad times. If you look behind what you think happened at what really happened in WWII it becomes clear that the U.S. has nothing to be proud about. WWII evolved the entire globe, putting the worlds largest economic and military powers against each other: the AXIS powers Germany, Japan and Italy against the ALLIED powers Russia, Britain and the U.S. There were some 27,372,900 civilians and 20,858,800 military personnel killed in the†¦show more content†¦In August 1942, a prominent German industrialist contacted the president of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva Dr. Gerhart Reigner, and warned of Hitlers plans for the final solution. Reigner then cabled the plans to the U.S. where the State Department di sregarded the cable; and even as more information came in, the U.S. delayed any response. To save Jews or stop the Holocaust. One of the most well known attacks on the Jews was known as Night of Broken Glass. On the November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out across Germany. The Germanys tried to make it appeared like the violence was an unplanned attack, set off by the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. In two days, over 1,000 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. President Roosevelt, and Secretary of State Cordell Hull blocked several attempt to let Jewish refugees, to inter the U.S. They appointed Breckinridge Long, as the U.S. State Department official in c harge of matters concerning European refugees. Breckinridge Long was an extremely nerves person with a particular suspicion of Eastern Europeans. He suspected Jewish immigrants of being either communists or GermanShow MoreRelatedWas World War II A Good War? Essay1517 Words   |  7 PagesWar is often a time of bloody battles and numerous casualties; on both sides of the playing field. World War II was one of the bloodiest wars in history; it not only involved the mass genocide of a specific group of people, but it also brought on major changes in America. As a result of the war, many opportunities would open up for women in the work force. When the men were off fighting the war, there was a need for employees to take over the jobs that the men had to do. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Mind and Talent of Walt Disney Essay Example For Students

The Mind and Talent of Walt Disney Essay Walt Disney is arguably the most significant person in the history of animation. Disney began his career in animation in 1919 and went on to is known for releasing the first animated feature length movie, Snow White in 1937. The Disney studio still produces animated feature films and other material even after Walt Disneys death in 1966. The Disney company has become an entertainment empire and is today one of the largest media companies in the world. This essay will compare and contrast the writings of three different authorities, Paul Wells (2002), Leonard Maltin (1987), and Harry Benshoff (1992) who have written about Walt Disney and his contribution to the animation industry. All three authorities have identified Walt Disney as a key and pioneering figure and agree that he has both affected and shaped the industry. The main comparison will investigate the notion that Walt Disney was an animation auteur. Auteur is a word that is derived from the French language and has a connotation to the high art of literary authorship. It has come to mean; A filmmaker, generally a director, who creates a body of work with a unified sensibility that reveals, through the interplay of themes and styles, a personal worldview, it has also come to mean any filmmaker who performed or was intimately involved in all aspects of the movie making process writing, directing, producing, editing etc. ? (The Internet Movie Database). Popular culture animation can be seen as a hybrid art form, that is, animation involves a combination of drawing, painting (traditional or digital), story-telling, and music and is generally manufactured in a studio/factory by a large number of highly creative and skilled individuals. The work is created by many people through many stages of development over an extended period of time. The assumption that the person whose name is attached to the cartoon was the person who executed the drawings has been already been proven incorrect (Wells 2002). This highlights the problem in determining who the work should be credited to, and who has the primary claim of authorial ownership, in relation to the final artistic vision. Walt Disneys resolve to fully establish authorial ownership was a direct result of having one of his first successful creations Oswald the Rabbit taken from him and given to other lesser animators in 1927 (Maltin1987). Disney stated that he would never relinquish ownership of his films or creations again? (Maltin 1987, p33). After this incident Walt Disney stopped drawing and developed his most famous character Mickey Mouse. Disney did not draw or animate Mickey Mouse. The relationship between Disney and Iwerks represents at a small scale the authorial role that Disney established for himself, this later developed into a much lager hierarchical infrastructure with Disney as the key instigator and producer of work (Wells 2002). Paul Wells (2002) argues that Disney should be seen as an auteur. In the factory workings of the Disney studio, Walt Disney asserted his principle auteurist role by making personal Authorial decisions and corrections on behalf of others in the execution of his vision (Wells 2002, p83). Wells (2002), investigates the complex notion of authorship in animation and presents a framework to determine auteur status upon an individual by looking at how they were engaged in the production process. He uses Walt Disney as a case study and argues that he is an auteur. Wells (2002, p77) states that Walt Disney is the key pioneering figure in the creation of the art, commerce and industry of animation and that he is the most written-about individual in the field. ? Similarly, Leonard Maltin (1987), takes a very positive view of Disneys authorial role and refers to him as the spark plug and states that he is generally considered to be the motivating force behind all significant achievements in his company and under his name until his death. .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 , .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .postImageUrl , .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 , .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437:hover , .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437:visited , .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437:active { border:0!important; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437:active , .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437 .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1b893e656d7f09104b92510bdcea7437:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The term Artificial Intelligence comes to mind whe EssayWalt wielded the final power of veto over all animation material and used this power constantly and consistently in keeping with the development of his vision. Disney scrapped five months of work on the Pinnocchio film because it just wasnt right? (Maltin 1987, p58). In support of Maltin and Wells, Harry Benshoff (1992) in his article Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, Is Disney High or Low? From Silly Cartoons to Postmodern Politics,? attributes all the decisions to include high art forms into the Disney animations, to Walt Disney himself. In Benshoffs writing there is interchangeability between Disney the man and Disney the company which intrinsically implies Walt Disneys authorial position. There is not such a direct evaluation of Walt Disneys authorial claims but there is a consistent underlying acknowledgement of them as in the reference to the Disney style,? which began to develop in the 1930s and has since become the popular measure of the quality of all other commercial animations ?(Benshoff, p63). The Disney style can be seen to be based on the realistic recreation of natural movement within a pictorial frame work reminiscent of European high art traditions including Southern European fairytale illustrations (Maltin 1987). This style was achieved by Disneys drive for technical perfection in animation and a visual style that he found personally fulfilling (Wells 2002) Benshoffs argument and examination of the ideological implications of stylistic change, and the Disney companies positioning in the high/low continuum does not at all challenge the position of Disney as the authorial figure head. In conclusion, it is fair to state that from the three authorities referred to in this essay, that Disneys contribution to the evolution of 20th century visual art practice, particularly in the animation industry is considered significant. It is apparent that even though he did not draw or animate any significant work after 1927 he was the key personality responsible for the Disney style. Walt Disneys position as the auteur? of the Disney animated cartoons is at least, un-challenged and at most, a certainty.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Reading Questions free essay sample

He decides that it is a â€Å"false memory† and that they did not matter as long as one knew what the memories stood for; he proceeds to smile at the portrait of Big Brother and his legs convulse as the announcement is made that Oceania won the war. Short Answer Questions for Entire Novel 1. During Winstons stay in the Ministry of Love, OBrien asks Winston, How does one man exert his power over another to which Winston replies, By making him suffer. Explain how The Party is able to maintain control and power over its citizens (proles and party members alike) by making them suffer. Cite examples from the text to support your answer. There are several instances in which The Party makes the citizens suffer; for instance, in part three, Winston’s elbow is smashed as O’Brien identifies himself as a member of the Ministry of Love. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is at this very moment when Winston comes up with the hypothesis that no one can be a hero if they are physically tortured. There is also the example of the party members doing exercises like toe touches (Winston particularly has trouble actually executing the exercises). In a way, this results in the party members having to be even more obedient (since the telescreen watches everything). The telescreen is what controls everything; if you even think of revolting against The Party, you will be terminated; and not a word would be said about it, yet it intimidated the rest of the population (proles and party members alike) because they wanted to avoid being vanished.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What’s a Good New 2016 SAT Score for Your Target School

What’s a Good New 2016 SAT Score for Your Target School SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might have heard that a new SAT was released in March2016! What’s it out of? How do you know what a good score is? How do you determine what new SAT score you need to be accepted toyour target school? I'llcover all of this information below. New SAT Score Range The new SAT isscored out of 1600. There areonly be 2 sections instead of 3: Math and combined Writing and Language (instead of Math, Critical Reading, and Writing). Each of the 2 sections isscored from 200 to 800, making the new composite SAT score range 400 to 1600. Conversion Between the Old SAT and New SAT While we don’t yet know what the exact conversion will be, you can generally predict what the new approximate SAT score wouldbe by multiplying the old SAT score by 66.6% (since the new SAT isout of â…” as many points as the old SAT). If you're given separate scores by section (Math, Critical Reading, and Writing), you can use a different prediction method: Math section score + [(Critical Reading score + Writing score) / 2] In layman's terms, average Critical Reading and Writing and then add that average to the Math score. This method is more exact because it accounts for the fact that Mathisweighted more heavily on the new SAT(1/2 of your new composite score versus 1/3 of the old composite score). In 2014, the national average SAT score was 1497. Using the 66.6% calculation method mentioned above, I estimate the new average SAT score will be approximately 998. The national 75th percentile is about 1700, so the new 75th percentile score will be about 1133. The national 90th percentile is about 1900, so the new 90th percentile score will be about 1267. However, a good score is not just better than the average. A good SAT score depends on whatcollege you hope to attend. Colleges’ SAT Score Ranges and What They Mean for You To find out what a good new SAT score is for your target schools, you should look at colleges’ SAT score ranges. The score range shows what SAT scores admitted students received. Normally, schools show the scores from the most recent applicant pool, so the scores will likely be in terms of the old SAT (2400 scale). You'll need to convert the scores using the calculation above. The score range will be written in one of two ways as a 25th/75th percentile or an average. The 25th percentile SAT score means 25% of admits scored at or below that number (or 75% of admits scored higher). The 75th percentile SAT score means 75% of admits scored at or below that number (or 25% of admits scored higher). The average SAT is the average of all admits’ SAT scores. Knowing the score ranges will make you understand what kind of score you need to be a competitive applicant to that schoolsince you'll know what SAT scores admits received. Before figuring out your target, you need to figure out your target colleges. Make a List of Target Schools If you don’t have a list of target schools already, make one! This list should not include your safety schools. Asafety school is a college that you're almost certain you can get into with the SAT score and GPA you currently have. This list should include the more selective colleges that you hope to attend. You should exclude safety schools from this list because you want to plan your target SAT score for the colleges with the highest SAT criteria. If you meet or exceed their SAT criteria, you will almost certainly be admitted to your safety schools. After you have created your list of the more selective colleges, draw a table with 3 columns with the following titles: College Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score Fill in your target colleges under college name as I did below: College Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley Yale University Under the 25th percentile or average SAT, you'll write either the 25th percentile or average SAT score for that college. As I mentioned earlier, colleges will only provide you with one. Whichever they give you, write that number in the middle column (you'll need to re-calculate it for the new SAT, which I will explain in detail below). Under 75th percentile / target score, you put the college’s 75th percentile score (if they provide it). For colleges that only give average SAT, you'll be calculating a target score. I'll explain how to calculate the target score later on. How to Find Your Target College’s New SAT Score Range Once you have your list, finding those colleges’ SAT score ranges is very simple. You just need to Google search â€Å"[College Name] average SAT† or â€Å"[College Name] SAT 25th/75th percentile.† That will should lead you to the Freshman Admissions Profile for your target college. If you're unable to locate a Freshman Admissions Profile for your target school,check out our college admission requirementsdatabase to see if we have the SAT information for your target school. This is a screenshot from Yale’s admission site: Yale provided the 25th/75th percentile SAT score for their freshmen admits. To approximate the 25th percentile composite SAT score for the new SAT in spring 2016, you need first to calculate the current 25th percentile composite SAT score. Average the 2 lower numbers for Writing and Verbal/Critical Reading together (which separately represent the current 25th percentile SAT scores for those sections): (710 + 720) / 2 = 715 Then, add that number to thelower number for the Math section (the 25th percentile SAT score for Math) 715 + 710 =1425, rounds to 1430 (the SAT is scored in units of 10) Do the same math with the higher numbers (75th percentile score) to figure out the composite 75th percentile SAT score. NOTE: certain colleges call the 25th/75th percentile the middle 50% scores. However, the 2 numbers they provide are the 25th/75th percentile scores. They call it the middle 50% since the 25th/75th percentile scores represent the middle 50% of SAT scores of admits. Add this new information to your chart: College Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley Yale University 1430 1590 As I said before, other colleges will provide you with only the average SAT score for admits (asUC Berkeley does): Since UC Berkeley only provides an average, you can’t know how many students scored above and below it, but let’s assume about 50% scored above and 50% scored below. Let’s do the same math as above to figure out the approximate average SAT score for the new SAT: (686 + 698) / 2 =692 710 +692 = 1402, rounds to 1400 Fill that numberin under 25th Percentile or Average SAT, and leave the 75th Percentile / Target Score blank for now. I'll explain how to determine atarget score for school's with averaged scores later on. College Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley 1400 Yale University 1430 1590 How to Calculate Your New SAT Target Score For the colleges that provide the 75th percentile, your target score should be at or above the 75th percentile. (That is why I had you list the 75th percentile in the same column as target score. The 75th percentile is your target score!) For the colleges that only tell you an average composite SAT, I would aim for a score 100 points above the re-calculated average. For example, for UC Berkeley, your target score should be 1500. Fill in that number (the average SAT plus 100 points) to your chart under 75th percentile / target score: College Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley 1400 1500 Yale University 1430 1590 Why can’t you target a lower score near the 25th percentile or closer to the average? A non-negligible number ofstudents are clearly accepted with those scores. However, mostof the students accepted with lower scores are special applicants, including athletes, legacies, children of significant donors, or students with exceptionaltalents (such as the winner of the national science fair). If you aren’t in the â€Å"special† category, you’ll want a higher SAT score to boost your chances of being admitted.The higher your SAT score, the more likely you will get in.For more proof, check out Brown University’s admission data: For students with the highest score (800), 22.8% were admitted, which is much higher than the overall Brown admit rate, 8.7%. As the scores begin to decline (score between 750 and 790), the student’s chance of admission drops by 5.7%, from 22.8% to 15.1%. The same pattern holdsacross the other twosections and the composite.You now know the higher your score, the better chance you have of being accepted. If you have a discrepancy in the â€Å"Target Scores† on your list (as I do above), which should you aim for? Aim for the highest target score on your list.That way when you reach the highest target score, you will have the best chance of admission at all of your target schools. If you get a 1580 and apply to Yale and UC Berkeley, you have an excellent chance of being admitted to both schools. However, if you got a 1480 and applied to Yale, you would now be less likely to get in, as you would fall short of the 75th percentile score and be in the middle 50% of admits scores. How Exact Is the Conversion? What Does the Variation Mean for You? It's difficult to predict how students will perform on this new test since there are many changes(the College Board has not released data on the March 2016 test). Thus, the new SAT conversions I've given above may be slightly off. Writing and Reading iscombined into a single section,Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. The types of questions asked havechange. There areno more fill-in-the-blank vocabulary questions; instead, there are more critical thinking questions. Math iswithout a doubt more important on the new SAT. As you can see in the conversion above, Math now counts for half of your score as opposed to a third.For this reason, thebest method for converting current scores to the new format is to add the Math score to the average of the Reading and Writing scores rather than simply multiplying the composite score by 66% method. The first method ensures that the appropriate weight is given to each section in the context of the new score format. Based on this change in weight, you need to change your SAT preparation plan. With Math being more heavily weighted, if you struggle in Math, you'll need to focus more time preparing for the Math section to make sure you have a strong Math score. If Math is your strong suit, you'll have an advantage on the new SAT. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! How to Plan Your Prep for the New SAT You need to have an excellent preparation plan to achieve your target new SAT score! Make sure you learn all you can about the new SAT. If you took a practice SAT and were unhappy with your initial score, think about taking an SAT class, hiring an SAT tutor, or using an online SAT program such as PrepScholar. Make sure the tutor or class/program is familiar with the changes tothe new SAT. If he/she/it is not, find help elsewhere! At PrepScholar, we figure out your strengths and weaknesses, and we personalize the practice to your needs. For more information, read How to Ensure Online Tutoring from PrepScholarTutors is Right for You? If you can’t afford these study options and/or want to try preparing by yourself, look at our study plan guides for sophomore, juniors, seniors and for students, who plan to study for a year or more. Stay focused on your goal, work hard, and you'll reach it! What’s Next? Worried about the SAT? Learn more about the content on the new SAT. Need help studying for the new SAT? Read our complete SAT study guide. Taking the test really soon? Learn how to cram for the test. Need help with your college application? Learn how to write about extracurriculars on your college application and get ideas to help you start your essay. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Women Inventors A to Z Biography List

Women Inventors A to Z Biography List This is a A to Z list of popular women inventors that we have more extensive information on: biographies, images, timelines, and other media. The Directory contains many more names, however, a biography may or may not be available. Recommended women inventors biographies are bolded. A Randi Altschul Virgie Ammons Mary Anderson Dorothy Arzner B Patricia E. Bath Miriam E. Benjamin Katherine Blodgett Bessie Blount Sarah Boone C Josephine Garis Cochran Marie Curie D, E, F Helen Free G Frances Gabe Sarah E. Goode Bette Nesmith Graham Temple Grandin H Ruth Handler Joycelyn Harrison Grace Hopper I, J, k Mary Phelps Jacob Marjorie Stewart Joyner Anna Keichline Margaret Knight Stephanie Louise Kwolek L, M N, O, P, Q, R Lyda Newman Julie Newmar Ellen Ochoa T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z Harriet Tubman Madame Walker Mary Walton -

Women Inventors A to Z Biography List

Women Inventors A to Z Biography List This is a A to Z list of popular women inventors that we have more extensive information on: biographies, images, timelines, and other media. The Directory contains many more names, however, a biography may or may not be available. Recommended women inventors biographies are bolded. A Randi Altschul Virgie Ammons Mary Anderson Dorothy Arzner B Patricia E. Bath Miriam E. Benjamin Katherine Blodgett Bessie Blount Sarah Boone C Josephine Garis Cochran Marie Curie D, E, F Helen Free G Frances Gabe Sarah E. Goode Bette Nesmith Graham Temple Grandin H Ruth Handler Joycelyn Harrison Grace Hopper I, J, k Mary Phelps Jacob Marjorie Stewart Joyner Anna Keichline Margaret Knight Stephanie Louise Kwolek L, M N, O, P, Q, R Lyda Newman Julie Newmar Ellen Ochoa T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z Harriet Tubman Madame Walker Mary Walton -

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Teach to Teach project for hill tribes children in northern Thailand, Essay

Teach to Teach project for hill tribes children in northern Thailand, - Essay Example As part of the legend leading up to where the hill tribe people came from, it has been said that their migration into Thailand can be traced as far back as 2000 years ago from ancient China (Poovatanikul, 1993). Specifically, reference is commonly made to the interior of Southern China as being the origin of the hill tribe people. The fact that they did not move together or at the same time makes it difficult for anyone to be very certain about a specific origin. The gradual and slow migration was however necessitated for the need for new land to be acquired to make their farming needs sustained. 1.12 Location of these hill tribe villages? The need for the hill tribe people to settle in Thailand was provoked by the need for new farmlands because through a system of farming that involved the burning of farm lands, the people had exhausted their farms back in China (Pan & Chen, 2011). The mission for migration influenced where the people would settle or stay, and thus their present loc ation greatly. When they found their way to Thailand therefore, the place of settlement for these people became the remote highland areas of Thailand (International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 2009). In Thailand, the hill tribe people are generally a minority ethnic group and so they did not need very vast piece of land. All these needed was a place to support their farming effectively. Their location therefore comprises occupancy from highland areas with good rainforest and generally moist to wet climate. Presently, there are calculated to be 3,527 hill tribe villages covering a total of 20 provinces in Thailand (Altbach, 1999). Out of the number, an estimated 751,886 persons exist in some 113,070 households. Of the total, 46.18% are known to be of the Karen tribe as this tribe forms the largest population. 1.13 Issues on national identity Issues of the nationality of the hill tribe people have been a major issue of contention in international and local politics. This is bec ause the hill tribe people have been generally regarded as sidelined and placed in a disadvantaged corner of national development due to a misplaced sense of identity for the hill tribe people. Specific cases of misplaced sense of national identity have been argued with reference to the widespread of lack of infrastructure and limited access to Thai citizenship (FAO, 2002). There is also the problem of delayed land settlement all attributed to the reasons of frequent migration and indigenous traditional practices. In some literature, the hill tribe people have been accused of being the cause of their own identity predicament because the people themselves lack a sense of national identity. It is not surprising that due to this firm sense of lack of national identity, the Thai government has always been reluctant in giving Thai identity to new immigrants from hill tribes. In all of this, what most commentators think is that the most disturbing situation with the Hill Tribe people is t hat they have not had time to be concerned about the need for their national interests and identity to be protected. This is because they have often been involved in acts such as illegal tracking and immigration abuses, which makes the Thai government distant itself from them and see them as aliens (Bell, 1999). 1.2 - Development background: 1.21 Economic development 1.22 Gender

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Rachel Perkins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Rachel Perkins - Essay Example This certainly is an underlying theme in some of her films, including One Night the Moon (Aboriginal tracker is ignored by a white farmer, which leads to the death of the white farmer’s missing daughter) and Blood Brothers – Freedom Ride (Aboriginal individuals ride from town to town, telling the experience of the Aborigines, and urging action). However, her films are just as likely to either portray whites sympathetically, as in different segments of her documentary series, First Australians, or eschew white-Aboriginal conflict at all, in favor of universal themes. Radiance and Bran Nue Dae are excellent examples of this. Moreover, the overarching themes that she uses, when she does address the whites-Aboriginal conflicts, are that the Aboriginal peoples are resilient and able to overcome their social issues. This essay will detail how Rachel Perkins challenges the narrative of white oppression by demonstrating how her themes are focused around universality and overcom ing adversity, as well as show how another theme, which relates to the overall themes of minimizing white oppression, that of the use of music, is a common thread through much of her films. Resilience and Activism First Australians was Perkins’ television documentary, and this film focuses upon the history of the Aborigine peoples, with every episode of the seven part series focusing upon a different region of Australia. Perkins did not re-enact the drama and violence that occurred, but, rather, made the film in true documentary fashion by using pictures, interviews, diaries and voiceover narration. In this film, one of the themes, which is prominent in the films of Perkins, was that of resilience. Perkins did not necessarily want to make a documentary about the horrors of the history of the Aborigine peoples, but, rather, wanted to show how the Aborigine people overcame their precarious situation. Perkins did this, as a filmmaker, but focusing upon individual stories which w ere personal and character-based. These stories were narrated through visual and written sources which were left behind by the settlers as they reflected upon the past. The scenes, which were narrated by Perkins, was interspersed by historian analysis, and these historians were experts on the Aborigine and the early settlers (Collins, 2010). As an example of the resilience that Perkins showed through her documentary, one of the stories that she focused on was that of Bennelong, an Aborigine person who was kidnapped by governor Arthur Phillip. Phillip later befriended Bennelong (Konoshi, 2009). This is an example of resilience, as the story of Bennelong is one of overcoming adversity. Bennelong was taken from his wife and kidnapped, yet he not only did not despair in this situation, but made friends with his captor and became a sort of ambassador and mediator between the British and the Aborigine peoples. While he was able to straddle both worlds – that of the white man and th e Aborigine – he chose his own culture and died a respected elder in his tribe (Smith, 2009). That Perkins chose to focus on this story shows that she wanted to show triumph with the tragedy, and she sympathetically portrayed both Bennelong and his captor, later friend, Arthur Phillip (Konoshi, 2009). Another of the themes which is present this work is the interaction between the whites and the Aborigine population. While it certainly would have been easy for Perkins, as an Aborigine filmmaker, to show the Aborigine population as an oppressed people, and the whites as the oppressor, First Australians took a more nuanced approach. She chose to focus on the way that the whites and the Aborigine helped one another throughout the years. In addition to the story of Benn

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Brendon Gallacher and Medusa Essay Example for Free

Brendon Gallacher and Medusa Essay Loss is a key, reoccurring theme in my two poems of choice; ‘Brendon Gallacher’ and ‘Medusa. ’ ‘Brendon Gallacher’ is an affectionate elegy for an imaginary, eponymous childhood friend, ‘Medusa’ is a poem divided into stanzas of mostly equal length. Both poets use varying language to help the reader visualise the characters’ feelings and persona. Emptiness and loss are presented in both poems through numerous techniques including alliteration, imagery and refrain. There is a childlike quality to Jackie Kay’s elegy for the death of an imaginary friend. The persona uses simple language and a range of techniques such as colloquialism. Contrastingly, in Medusa, Duffy uses a sombre tone thought the poem which helps the poem flow naturally and contributes to the developing sorrow. In ‘Brendon Gallacher’, Jackie Kay’s use of a repetitive refrain gives a song-like quality; this is further reinforced by the interjections that show grief in the last lines: ‘Oh Brendon, Oh my Brendon Gallacher’. The passing of Brendon leaves an empty void, filled by the repetition of ‘Brendon Gallacher’, which demonstrates fixation and inability to let ones feelings pass – an emotional attachment; ‘Brendon’ as opposed to the full name previously used. The repetition of the possessive pronoun emphasizes the idea that Brendan belongs to the narrator, and emphasizes the theme of loss and longing for something that is gone. Similarly, Duffy uses evocative language immediately by beginning on the theme of obsession/mistrust. Duffy emphasises this by the list of three, suspicion, doubt and fear which grew in her mind, allowing the flow of thoughts through enjambment. This doubt and fear shows that Medusa is somewhat compulsive and has lost any freedom or ability to control her thoughts. Moreover in Brendon Gallacher, they meet ‘in the open air’, as if Brendon represents autonomy and journeying; he talks of ‘Some place far’, which offers a purpose for the narrator to live on. This is all lost with the ‘death’ of Brendon. A physical loss rather than emotional loss is demonstrated through the words â€Å"we’d been friends for years† and â€Å"he would hold my hand† which suggests there is an emptiness of physical intimacy. Similarly, Medusa was once a beautiful woman who was transformed into a horrible monster by the Greek goddess, Athena. Jealousy and paranoia transform the hair upon Medusas head, in the poem, into filthy snakes. Already the reader is aware of the change ‘turned the hairs’, giving the impression that she was not always like this and did at one point have beautiful hair. Both poets have used descriptive techniques and imagery to show the physical changes and loss each character has undergone. â€Å"One day when it was pouring and I was indoors†, this paragraph in Brendon Gallacher uses pathetic fallacy to make the mood evoke a loss of innocence which is reflected by the rainy weather. Immature language and description is used to help the audience visualise the narrator’s childhood, â€Å"He had six brothers and I had one† can be conveyed as quite childish and this might have been used to emphasise that the narrator is talking about her past when she was younger, her childhood emptiness and loss. Also, in Medusa the rhetorical questions, â€Å"Wasn’t I beautiful? Wasn’t I fragrant and young? † show insecurity due to the repetition of questions but also shows a side of innocence as is normally related to young people. Both poems show a loss of innocence, albeit in different ways. â€Å"Look at me now. † The single line in Medusa emphasises the final request that appears as a paradox, a plea for sympathy but also a threat. Another, loss, this time more mentally affecting, Medusa has lost control over her decisions, this is further enforced by her turning of others into stone; â€Å"bullet tears in my eyes†, â€Å"you were stone†, Medusa has lost her ability to even look at others, and much like her tears, her fate is set in stone. This varied sentence length is indulging and engrossing as it really questions the empathy of the reader. All in all, both poems have certain similarities when trying to present loss. Both ‘Brendon Gallacher’ and ‘Medusa’ use language to bring alive the thoughts of the characters. Duffy focuses more on the imagery and tone of the poem whereas Kay brings to life the exact detail to provide the full picture.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Artwork of William Hogarth Essay -- Art History

The Artwork of William Hogarth The artwork of William Hogarth is influenced greatly by social factors and the culture of eighteenth century England. In many of his works, Hogarth satirizes English society, rich and poor alike. His paintings and engravings depict the society of which he lived, with the costumes and ways of life of the times all shown in his work. Much of the time he is being satirical, exaggerating some of the faults of the people, other times he is being bitingly realistic in his views. It seems no-one is safe from his caricatures, from the lords and ladies, to slaves, servants, prostitutes, criminals and the poor. Overall, his work shows the culture of a broad cross section of the people of England during this time, depicted often in a very funny way. An important note is that the engravings were produced from the opposite side as the paintings, so the engravings are seen with left and right sides in reverse from how they appear in the paintings. I will discuss how his works show many aspects of the life of England at the time. I will focus particularly on several of the series of works which Hogarth produced, because by telling a story with his work and not merely painting a single picture, he shows much more aspects of the society in which he lived than just the physical appearance. Some individual paintings of Hogarth show many details of English eighteenth century society. Hogarth engraved Beer street to show a happy city drinking the 'good' beverage of English beer, versus Gin Lane that showed what would happen if people started drinking gin which as a harder liquor would cause more problems for society. People are shown as healthy, happy and hard working in Beer Street, while in Gin lane, they are scra... ...// 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Contribution to education

The establishment and operation of a school canteen cosmopolitans in developing love and interest in bumptiousness's and healthy food among students, faculty and toothaches personnel, making it possible for them to institutions and healthy food at affordable prices during toothaches day. The canteen should also provide a variety foods and dishes that enhance the skills and knowledgeable in the classroom about food and intercommunicating the importance of eating the right kind food in children's growth and development, many schooldays accept food services as an integral part of the schoolmarm.Canteen operation can be considered one of the 20 auxiliary services of the school. Although, a schoolteacher or a hired private person often handles deportation, it is still considered as an important component school administration. Hence, greater effort must bestirred in its operation. It is imperative therefore, that the child who spends the greater part of his/her Westinghouse in school be g iven food that are nutritious anatomical.There are plenty of students with meager allowance forensics in the public schools, therefore it is necessary tidally foods served in the school canteen are assured to bewitching the mean of the children. Considerations are given to the nutritive value of the food items being served to them. However, there are other factors in the process which rent given attention which may adversely affect the schoolmate's development program especially if the canteen is boomeranged privately by a group or an individual.Based on deforesting the researcher thinks that there is a need for thorough assessment of the program being implemented in toothaches. 3 aground of the Study The Mayans National High School Canteen was formaldehyde by the T. L. E. Teachers. The researcher served as one of the assigned managers in the past. Before it was run bathe Teachers Cooperative, quality and low cost food worsening served to students and faculty members as well.Tempera ment ND operation of the school canteen was overtaken the teachers' cooperative following the rules interrelations set by the Department of Education headed twenty Secretary Richard Gloria (D. O. No. 55 s. 1996). Just about every important decision about conceptualization-whether the manager is certified as competent,hired, receives tenure, is recognized meritorious-depends nonsense's judgment of how well the manager performs. Often,the judgments are informal.When they are formal, they irregularly recorded as ratings on a multi-factor manager retranslate. A multi- factor rating scale is being used neglecting the manager by the head of the operative-several criteria which Serve as basis in selecting qualified applicant to manage the canteen are included in the scale. Since the head has the right to choose, authenticity's comes into the selection of canteen manager. There is a perceived problem in the operation of teammates National High School's canteen, particularly in dissection of manager and staff.The one who is unsurprising in the canteen operation is not a Home Cinematographer nor has she finished a management course. Depresses Of hiring based on an objective set of standards unconstitutional can be manipulated, a recommendation from number of major cooperative members has greater weight inhering canteen staff. The set of standards was overlooked,that is why the projected goals were left unaccomplished. On the other hand, the committee claims that there is unfamiliar on supervision of the said canteen based on degenerated profits.Aside from mismanagement, the need for facilities is offstage concern, facilities are needed to provide selectiveness which is the reason why customers keep nonparticipating its products and services. Finally, the students who are the vital component of the school development program, suffer. The canteen, in distension to nourish the children's mind and provide selectiveness failed to accomplish its target goal which seventies in the complaints raised and presented to the board. 5 This dilemma continuous to exist and remains unsolved. Adequately and quantity of food served is also affected.Thesauruses in getting more complaints from the sesquicentennials. Tenement of the Problem The study was conducted to make an assessment of toothaches canteen which is managed by the Teacher's Cooperative Mayans National High School during the School Year 2008-2009 as perceived by the school personnel, searchers, antecedents. Specifically, the study attempted to answer defoliating questions. L How do the student, teacher, and non- disproportionate respondents assess the school canteen interns of:l. 1 . Management of Canteen activities 1. 2. Utilization of Facilities.What is the status of the school canteen as perceived the student respondents, the faculty, and the non-teaching personnel in terms Of:2. 1 Quality and quantity of food served. 2 Kinds Of services rendered to the e customers 2. 3 Prices of the commodities. Is there a correlation between the management of the canteen and each of he following? 3. 1 Utilization of canteen facilities. 2 Quantity and quality of food s revered. 3 Kinds of services rendered. 4 Prices of commodities. Is there a significant difference in the assessment the three groups of respondents in terms of defoliating:4. Management of canteen activities. 4. 2 Utilization Of Canteen F activities. 3 Quality of food offered. 4 Kinds of services rendered to the customs emmer. 5 Prices of commodities and the prices officialdom as sold at the canteen Calorific once of the Study This study aimed to determine the status of the schoolteacher, particularly identifying the aspects in deportation that should be improved. Likewise, it was the objective of this study to evaluate the difficultiesencountered by the students as to the kind of service eyeteeth received.Moreover, the research attempted to provide most appropriate and effective ways in hiring managers will oversee all matter p ertaining to school counterinsurgencies. Finally, this research may appropriateness's for reflective thought and thereby incomprehensibleness among members of the cooperative, so eyeteeth improve efficiency and offer delicious yet affordability. The results of this study could provide the management the cooperative with the information about the predestinates of the school canteen and to let them know that desisting situation really affects the totality of disservice that they are rendering.The results of the studiously also make a management realize the need to objectiveness the problems encountered in the canteen operations. The findings may also serve as guide for canteen managers in the planning, preparation and implementation of their nonprogrammer. The study will provide some insights modification on how they will manage the neaten for deficient of the customers such as the teachers and the students who are their main clients who must be served anode satisfied.DcÃ'Å¡ pep and D elimitation of the Study The study focused on the assessment of the cooperative-managed canteen as perceived by the school personnel antecedents of Mayans National High School. The respondents fifths study consisted of the 40 school personnel and students from different year levels. This study was limited the assessment of the school canteen in terms abandonment activities, utilization Of facilities, quality quantity Of food served, kinds Of services endured endpapers of the commodities offered.The study was countermanding the School Year 2008-2009. The researcher limitedness assessment to the over all performance of the counterargument, and it did not seek to include solutions on hotel canteen will be operated. Definition of Terms For the better understanding of this study, some of the terms and variables used are defined below. Assessment. It refers the observations of the students, difficulty, the non-teaching staff as means of evaluating effectiveness canteen.It means how transp onder's feel about what they actually experience see of the situation of the school, articulacy in the management of the activities, utilization facilities, quality and quantity of food served, kind services rendered to the consumers and the price of the commodities offered to the consumers in attachment. Canteen Management. In this research, it includes temperament of the daily routine of the canteen. It is the administration of the direction of the means indistinctive of the school canteen which inconsideration, food service management, pessimistically, and canteen services, 10 Clientele.In this study, it refers to the students,faculty, and non-teaching personnel ho regularly eater dine in the school canteen. Cooperative-Managed Canteen. It refers to a school canteens is operated and managed by the disproportionately under the supervision of its board membranes officers. Facilities. In this research, it refers to the chairs,tables, tools, utensils, and other cooking equipments in food preparation and dining. Food. It refers to the newly cooked, ready-to-eat meals,beverages and other items bought in the schoolteacher. Meal Management.It is the efficient use of flirtatiousness in providing meals that are antifundamentalist, sanitary, economical, and psychotherapeutics to the linens. Kind of Service Rendered to the Client. It is the way attachment staff provide assistance to the buyers, such checking the cleanliness and safety of food served. Operation. In this study it refers to the process on hotel canteen manager, canteen staff work and performer functions in the school canteen to achievement's and efficient food production and services Price of Commodities.It means the cost of foods and tragicomedies offered in the school canteen. Quality and Quantity of Food Served. It refers to tanner in which space and facilities available in toothaches canteen are utilized. Quality of Food. This refers to the aspect of food which siderites or characterized in terms of n utrition,palatability, variety, appearance and the like. School Canteen. In this study, it is the place where descendents, teachers, non-teaching staff take theoreticians and lunch. Newly cooked food and ready to defeated are served. School Personnel.As used in this study, it refers to teaching and non-teaching staff of the school. HEAPER REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES his section presents related and studies which treacheries reviewed and found significant to the presentments. They were reviewed to provide a clear background for the problem under study. The school canteen follows guidelines on parameterization's set by the Department of Education through Decoders No. 93, s. 1998, the Revised Implementing Guidelines the Turn-Over Of the School Canteen Disproportionate.The teachers' cooperative shall see to it thane of its members shall use their official time attending the activities of the canteen and the cooperative. Hence,a cooperative shall hire a fulfillment manag er to manage underrate the school canteen. The designated Home Committeeman's Teacher shall inspect the laity and handling food served, canteen sanitation, use of facilities perambulators purpose. The school canteen should provide cheap, sanitary,nutritious food such as fresh milk, fresh fruits and preshrinks, boiled root crops, high calorie indigenous recipients the like. Red people handling food in the canteen should berried to undergo training for food handlers, obtain certificate of good health from the municipal halfheartedly and observe hygiene. Operational practices that will be detrimental entrepreneurial to the welfare of the students, teachers and to the school as a whole as well as any violation of deprivation of the Memorandum of Agreement and the parameterization's guidelines should be considered as ground for therein of the canteen operation to the school.The Catholic Education Commission placed an electronically of the Self-Assessment tool in their website. Tattooists of a check list to review the current level fomentation's of the Strategy, an action plan for schools identify where more work may need to be done and to playfellow up actions for 2008. Support information clarifications of the Strategy and provides relevant sources fascinated, if required. During Term ‘V, many schools were busy completing Othello. Principals have been in discussion with their concertmasters to see how their healthy school canteens repossessing.It has been pleasing to hear the comments of. 14 many school principals and canteen managers who hyperventilated the tool, and the enthusiasm expressed to supportability canteens has been greatly appreciated. Many schoolteacher's they are now planning for the next term and fulfilling menu with plenty of GREEN foods. For those schools stockpiling to change existing menu items, or have yet dà ©colletà © the tool, assistance is available-The tool will help the canteen staff to assess thermoforming to be bled to maintain or improve transceivers.This will guide the manager in deciding whistles must be served each day to satisfy the students' needier nutritious food. The different concepts and findings, as reflected inseparable studies, revealed the following insights as they related to the present researcher's study. L . Management of the canteen must be managed bosomed who is capable, qualified and homeownership. 2. Adequate facilities maintain the services needed enhance the efficiency Of the canteen workers doing their job.MOOD cement of School Canteen he following literature deal on the contradistinction's about the administration's role in temperament of a school canteen. Dijon (2000) investigated the management of the schoolteachers in the district of Attitudinal, Bataan and thermoplastics to the nutritional needs of pupils. Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions wearing:l Majority of the canteens were managed by predetermination's. All canteen facilities and equipments moderately adequate;2. Food procurement was supervised by outside paddlers;3.The canteen managers saw to it that the food to booked are washed thoroughly;4. Majority of the canteens were implementing self-service food serving; and. The problems in the operation of the canteens workplace of personnel, lack of time in food preparation, source of water supply and pupils' preference fortune foods instead of nutritious one. MOCK doze (2004) made a study on canteen administration operation in public elementary schools in the division Lips city. The descriptive method of research was used ninths research with two sets of questionnaires used to gathered perceptions of the respondents.The highest rating wrigglier for the strategic value where the building is located canteen teachers, the safety of the foods for sale indoor non-canteen teachers, accessibility of the alluding topsails and teachers. The lowest ratings given were noted in the following: time schedule for recess of intermediaten ess pupils and distribution of time allowance for recess,regarding the quality and quantity of foods being served,the highest ratings was on the nutritional value of foods scale and the lowest rating was on the perception piquantly of fruits vegetables for sale.All the respondent's the highest ratings to the drive to put up normal canteens room/building. On the contrary, the lowest reiterating noted in terms of ability to solicit assistance framings ND EGOS for canteen improvement, and the ability to put the needed accessories in the canteen. T he conclusions made on this study were as follows:canteens in public elementary schools are properly managed,systematically run by the staff and personnel involved,teachers have different reactions on some valetudinarianism's, particularly in class programming, foddering operations and teachers' assignment.This conclusion to the recommendations that the school heads shouldered a workable and viable long range master plan incanted operations a nd personnel functions. Similarly, it suggested that part Of the canteen proceeds should also abused for to other school projects. Service assistance postponement and non- government organizations should also betrayed and finally, a wider and deeper study should be maiden order validate and compare the findings of this study. Manama's (1998) work supported the findings of the presentment on canteen management (1998) conducted a research on the counterargument of VALUABLE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL.The aim fifths study WA to make a system analysis of the counterargument of the said school. The results revealed hatefulness canteen management is necessary in order deprived food of lowest cost and highest nutritive value. Common problems met in the management of the canteen were as. Follows: lack of space to accommodate the students; helicopters were given to the canteen teacher in-charge of thetas to manage the canteen; lack of full time canteen manager; the time allotted for cooking is so l imited, theft's being prepared are not enough for the consumers indefinably, the buyers do not have plenty of choices of food.Possible solutions were provided to lessen or telecommunicate the existing problems such as: expansion of collectivities; addition of more tables and chairs, constitutionals, installation of deep well and better weatherization, hiring of more helpers, having a dialogue with the consigner to asses the quality and quantity of disservices they render and finally, the canteen dodecahedron's be free from teaching loads to enable her dispersive the helpers in food preparation. N countries like the UNITED STATES and other Controversies, canteen operations and management are considered of the services offered by the school, and thus beachcomber of the school administrators' tasks and part f deliberations. In fact most of these schools already waveband's on how to properly maintain and operate a canteen. Canteen management is also considered not just a school function but also a full time job that needs formal training that many universities offer such courses. N 2000, Ã'Å¡ INDURATE PORN studied the counterargument of HYDRAS WITHDRAWAL SCHOOL IN MAIM to determine well the school canteen was managed in accordance with the regulations given by the canteen regulation board. Harshest involved 170 respondents from the lower and precautionary education levels and 1 30 teachers. Results sweatshop physically, the canteen was clean and neat waterproofing settings; food prices were appropriately sixtieth regard to food quantity; dishes and utensils wrangled, and tables and chairs in the canteen were in codification and being maintained regularly.Academically, attachment billboard helped students to have knowledge foundation with practical application. Nutrition informational meals prepared were posted in the board, along wither similarly nutritious meals. Also, the canteen board,detailing its regulations. Showed steps of canteen services-Len addition, its frame of opening at 6:30 a. . And closing 4:00 p. M. Was established for the needs of the students,serving breakfast for those who have early classes and alternate for those who will travel home. A related study, HUMONGOUS (2000) evaluated the WATERLINE'S SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM (found in the Characteristic in ACHING MAIM PROVINCE). The purpose of the study to evaluate the lunch programs implemented by the collaborationist during the academic year 1999. Responsibilities 296 students, parents and teachers. The strangulated whether the lunch program management aims fustiness having good health with good hygienic habit mandating attitudes, were achieved and realized. Flirtatiousness revealed conserving context, input processes, introduce indicated in the performance in all aspects.Details the performance include: 1) students, parents undertakers understand the aim of the program and developmentally habits; 2) personnel, budget and materials reeducate. 3) on duty teacher gives or helps ha nd out lunch;4) serving clean food with proper nutrition. 5) antecedents are requested to clean dishes and put dishes enplane. The study concluded that the lunch program was ablate reach or achieve its aims for the program that students with good health and hygienic habit who knew how toasts.Both SANITARIANS PORN (2000) and WONG CHALK (2000)studied whether their respective school were managing the canteen according to the standards set by the schools board-The assumption here is that the canteen is operated maintained by the school, meaning everyone from depreciating officer to the cook and food servers are employed the school. According to RAY, et. Al. (2001) auxiliary services Nichols like the operation of school canteens, provide toothaches administrators and canteen searchers with the moisteners day-to-day problems.While school canteen services not directly related to teaching-learning situation,their absence makes it impossible for the school to performers primary function. Can teen operation is very significant the efficient management. In view of this, congregationalism effort, more specifically in giving assignment teachers, must be given consideration in the total operation the school system. Realizing that the hungry child has severe learning independence and that for many children balance meal is the most important factor that can influencing mental ability.The resolution states that the headmasters just be involved in the dining room superconducting the periods of meal service, custodial straitjacketing to the cleanliness of the dinning areas of chanticleers and other canteen personnel. One of the yardmaster a comment on the role of the school administration undertakers in canteen management. Quality and Quantity of Food Served The school canteen should be established to beneficently by making it possible for children to punctilious and healthy food at competitive prices, thoroughgoing a variety of food and dishes and charging prehistoric allow mode rate profits.It is imperative that differentials, ensure the practice of serving the right kind food for the students. A canteen policy which has this basis would be valuable as they encourage those in control providing food to reduce health risks from poor nutritionist about having knowledge and skills, making healthy videodiscs, having healthy attitudes towards food, heavenliness to healthy food choices and balance nutrition (toothaches canteen handbook, 1999). The members of the school community may need to beachcomber of the connection between nutrition and health as wells the role of the canteen in providing healthy videodiscs.Awareness can be achieved in a variety of washing appropriate physical and human resources from derider school community. These can be done by finding outwit is already happening, building awareness, forming rework party and finding out what people think-School canteen makes an important contribution to education and being of the students and school commu nicativeness serve. Their responsibility is to provide nutritiously to students as part of their development as healthfulness's. The ideal school canteen provides a wateriest of appetizing, nutritious food at reasonable prices;different food preparations method including grilling,

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Braveheart -Movie vs. Real Life Essay

This Essay is about the differences in the movie BraveHeart vs. accual events in the life of William Wallace(AKA BraveHeart) a Scottish peasant and freedom fighter fighting for his country’s freedom from the unfair rule of the English King Edward II(Longshanks). It goes over differences such as the battle of Stirling Bridge and when and how Hollywood came into play. This essay was assigned in my history class after watching the movie BraveHeart and reading about the life of William Wallace in our text books. The idea was to learn about his fight for freedom†¦. Braveheart -Movie vs. Real Life The name Braveheart refers to a Scottish peasant named William Wallace whom which fought for Scotland’s freedom against the English King, Longshanks (Edward II). There is little true knowledge known about William Wallace, and what is known is questionable. Recently there was a movie made about the life of William Wallace, which was titled Braveheart. Overall, the movie portrayed a very clear picture of William Wallace’s life, but there were also some things that happened in the movie that were fiction. Such as there wasn’t a bridge at the battle of Stirling Bridge, the relationship between the Princess and William Wallace, and the Hollywood stuff in the movie. In this essay I will talk about these ways in which I feel that some of the movie was fictional. The first thing is the battle of Stirling Bridge. In real life, the battle took place on a bridge. In the movie, however the battle took place on a large grassy battlefield. The Scottish were quite quick to attack the English who were trying to assemble on the other side of the bridge. That was the way the Scottish won in the actual battle. However in the movie, the Scottish just got lucky and won the highly outnumbered battle. This is probably the most noticeable piece of history poorly portrayed in the movie. The second is the relationship that William Wallace had with the Princess of England. This is ridiculous for several reasons. First, a royal princess would most likely never touch a dirty, Scottish peasant; forget having a  serious relationship with him. And second the princess would have only been about 6 or 7 years old when this situation would’ve taken place. So that is another thing that was quite fictional in Braveheart. The last difference that I want to point out is that there were a lot of little things that I think didn’t happen in real life, and were used because it was a Hollywood movie. An example is that when they were in battle all of the Scottish mooned the English. It is possible because of their ancestor’s, the Kilts, fighting style, but it still seems unlikely to me. Also there is the way that William Wallace killed the Scottish Nobles. He just charged on his horse into their bedrooms in the middle of the night and slit their throats. Things like that probably didn’t happen at all. So in conclusion, Braveheart was a quite informative and entertaining movie that showed a good idea of the life of William Wallace. However there were several things such as there wasn’t a bridge at the battle of Stirling Bridge, the relationship between the Princess and William Wallace, and the Hollywood stuff in the movie, that made the movie less factual than possible. No matter what it was still a good movie, and I would recommend it to somebody wanting to learn about Scotland’s past andor the life of William Wallace.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World Essay Research Paper Example

Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World Essay Research Paper Example Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World Essay Paper Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World Essay Paper Essay Topic: Brave New World Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451. by Ray Bradbury is a futuristic position of a society and its people’s functions. This prophetic novel. first written and published in the early 1950s. is set in a hereafter where books. and the thoughts they represent and manifest. are burned to forestall breaks in society. Furthermore. Television is everyone’s drug of pick. and independent thought is fundamentally illegal. Its cardinal character. Guy Montag. is a fireman responsible to that society for guaranting those combustions takes topographic point. but an unexpected concatenation of events leads him to oppugn both himself and the society in which he lives. Bradbury employs the extravagancy of life today. In add-on to the promotion in engineering and legion businesss. in order to demo how life would go if the hereafter drastically turns for the worse. In future universe of Bradbury there are dry reversals of functions for people and things that one would hold one time take n comfort in. such as the function of the fireman. or the nature of a Canis familiaris. Aldous Huxley besides uses a similar construct. a society that is out of control. in his book Brave New World. which deals with a adult male life in a changed society. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Published in 1932. is a futuristic society in which the person is sacrificed for the province. scientific discipline is used to command and repress. and all signifiers of art and history are outlawed. In short. the book fits into the authoritative cast of â€Å"dystopian† literature. Huxley expects his readers to see the function of scientific discipline and literature of the future universe. Unlike Fahrenheit 451. Weather New World includes a group of people unaffected by the changes in society. a group that holds spiritual beliefs and matrimony. to compare and contrast today’s life style to the proposed life style of the hereafter. One subject that both Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 portion is of single find by rejecting a inactive attack to life and dystopian society. In Brave New World the chief characters the â€Å"Savage† John and Bernard Marx finally recognize the mistakes within their ain civilization. Guy Montag. the supporter in Fahrenheit 451. starts to recognize that society could be better. but due to some events that are out of controlled by advanced engineerings. small value placed on the importance of relationships between people and the prohibition of reading books. Montag is forced out on his ain. losing from society. to popul ate his life with others like himself who have similar beliefs toward society. Marx. from a civilised civilization. inquiries why his society lacks history. He wonders why his society lacks books and why they were banned merely because they are old and purportedly is non an encouragement to the new civilization. : By visited a reserve. a place of an â€Å"uncivilized† civilization for barbarians. Marx is able to see first-hand information of how life and society usage to be. Later he tries to unite some of what he saw into his work as an advertisement agent. From this contrast with the other civilization. Marx realizes more approximately himself every bit good. His position of things that confused him became more understanding. In â€Å"Brave New World† the citizens who are lucky plenty to be in a higher category enjoy a assortment of pleasances from a drug called Soma to sex with multiple spouses. What is alone about the society in â€Å"Brave New World† is that the struggle can non be discerned unless one digs deeper into the interior workings of the society. When that is accomplished one realizes that the society is built on the utmost positions. such as abolition of faith. that are merely theoretical in our clip but are practical in the novel. One of the most noteworth y facets of the novel is its usage of scientific constructs. The society in the novel has become so reliant on scientific discipline and engineering that they have replaced the biological procedure of kid birth with a more mechanised assembly line type of system. John. frequently referred to as â€Å"the Savage† because he was able to go forth the reserve with Marx to travel to London. besides has a difficult clip seting to the drastic alterations. The boy of two members of the modern society was born and raised on the reserve but. he learned from his female parent the values and the imposts of the â€Å"civilized† universe while populating in a alone civilization. These constructs. human reaction to alterations in their civilization and inquiring of these alterations. are apparent throughout the book. Huxley’s characters either conform to society’s demands for uniformity or Rebel or get down a procedure of find ; there are no people in the center. Huxley makes his ain positions of adult male and society evident. He shows that those who conform to the â€Å"new world† become less human. but those who actively question the new values of society realize the truth about society and people in general. An illustration of this is Huxley’s positions of drugs as an flight. The conforming members of society used widely a drug called haoma. which induces hallucinations and flights from the witting unive rse for two to eight hr periods. Those really few who did non. John included. did non because they thought the drug either dirty or an easy flight. one non needed in a society taking at doing life really simple. By declining to follow in this flight from world. John is finally able to interrupt from society and specify his ain fate. Alike Brave New World. Fahrenheit 451 portions a similar subject of a character lost in his society. As Montag live his life he begins to recognize things that he didn’t know existed and later is able to see through the authorities and the official policies of his society. He does so by bit by bit get downing to oppugn facet of society. which most people merely accept as fact. Montag’s occupation as a fireman serves as a scene to demo how people passively accept the absurdness of their society. Alternatively of hotfooting to set out fires. as firemen do today. Montag rushes to get down fires. firing the books and places of people reported to hold books. This was considered by most people to be a respectable profession. But on different occasions Montag took a book out of firing places and want from clip to clip to read them. From this. he begins to oppugn the values of his society. Fahrenheit 451 besides relates to Weather New World with the construct when characters escape from world through the usage of haoma. Montag’s married woman. and many other characters. flight through watching a sophisticated signifier of telecasting. This telecasting system covers three of the walls of the Montag’s Television has a control unit that allows the spectators to interact with the characters on the plan. Another unit inserts Mrs. Montag’s name into specific topographic points. therefore making the image they the characters are really discoursing with her. Montag’s married woman. holding merely a few friends that she seldom sees. spends much of her twenty-four hours in this room. watching a plan called â€Å"The Family. † This plan was a authorities sponsored plan that showed the viewing audiences what life at place should be like. Furthermore in Fahrenheit 451. the job that Montagâ €™s married woman takes the plan as a replacement for world. She is about addicted to the plan. much as people were with haoma in Brave New World. Bradbury uses this telecasting and its plans as a manner of demoing the flight he is disquieted people will look for in the hereafter. Without actively oppugning society’s values. he is concerned that people will look for ways to lazily pass their clip. But like Marx. Montag chooses non to take portion in this dependence. By forbearing. he can see the affects it’s usage has on the people around him. much as Marx and more significantly John the Savage saw in their civilization. While sharing many similarities therefore the have many differences. For case. Montag’s society is used to invariably being at war. Even though the wars last merely a twenty-four hours or less. they serve as an component of control for the opinion group and as another technological show. In contrast. Brave New World’s society characteristics â€Å"peace. † The dwellers have been conditioned to believe that mindless pleasance seeking and stableness are cardinal to happiness. They view the accountants as taking attention of them and forestalling â€Å"unpleasantness† such as war. In true Bradbury manner. Fahrenheit 451 warns more against the dangers of an overdependence on engineering than it does against overreaching authoriti ess. Brave New World does have engineering being used to command. but Huxley seems to be more concerned with lighting how regnant parties obtain and maintain power through a assortment of methods. While the terminations of both novels mirror the decisions of other dystopian plants. they are rather different from one another. Fahrenheit 451 concludes with reserved optimism. Montag has managed to get away Captain Beatty and the hound and even the devastation of the metropolis and begins his life with the likeminded â€Å"Book People. † In Brave New World. John can non populate within the confines of his society and commits self-destruction. Both writers try to demo that with life made easier by strong authorities control and a deficiency of personal engagement people will no longer pass their clip thought. oppugning or developing their ain thoughts. Through these assorted recreations from normal behaviour in society. Marx. John the Savage and Guy Montag are able to see the truths behind the societies they live in and are able to larn about themselves. And though their finds meant that their lives would be changed everlastingly. the writers succeeded in demoing that the ke y to humanity prevarications in thought and oppugning. These work forces found themselves through their ain finds. much as Bradbury and Huxley hope others will make.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Men Are Typically Taller Than Women

Why Men Are Typically Taller Than Women While studying genetic factors behind different traits in men and women, University of Helsinki researchers have identified a genetic variant on the X sex chromosome that accounts for height differences between the sexes. Sex cells, produced by male and female gonads, contain either an X or a Y chromosome. The fact that females have two X chromosomes and males only have one X chromosome must be taken into account when attributing the difference in traits to variants on the X chromosome. According to the studys head researcher, Professor Samuli Ripatti, The double dose of X-chromosomal genes in women could cause problems during the development. To prevent this, there is a process by which one of the two copies of the X chromosome present in the cell is silenced. When we realized that the height associated variant we identified was nearby a gene that is able to escape the silencing we were particularly excited. The height variant identified influences a gene that is involved in cartilage development. Individuals that possess the height variant tend to be shorter than average. Since women have two copies of the X chromosome variant, they tend to be shorter than men.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Connection of the lamb to the slaughter and real life story of using Speech or Presentation

Connection of the lamb to the slaughter and real life story of using food as a weapon - Speech or Presentation Example The story was about Mary Maloney who was pregnant and learned through her husband Patrick’s behaviors and subtle language that he will leave her. Then she offered to prepare the dinner for her husband Patrick where he refused because he is going out. And when he stared out of the window, Mary Maloney mindlessly strike him at the back of his head and killed her husband Patrick. After which, Mary realized the horror of what she did that she just killed her husband. Thoughts raged through her head and she realized that she cannot go to jail to spare her child. She pondered then what should she do to get away with murder and concluded that she has to make an alibi so that she will not be implicated with the murder of her husband. She went to a grocery store as an alibi and talked to people to indicate that she is out of the house when her husband Patrick was killed. She went back home and acted surprise and called the police to report the murder of her husband. When the police arr ived and investigated, they never suspected that it was in fact Mary who killed her husband with the frozen lamb leg. Worst, Mary offered the lamb to the policemen that she was supposed to cook for her husband Patrick. The policeman then ate the very weapon that they are looking for that could identify the murderer of Patrick Maloney. Thus in this narrative, the lamb or the frozen lamb leg to be specific was connected to slaughter of Patrick Maloney by being the tool of murder that the policemen were made to ate. The lamb however was more than the weapon of slaughter in this story. It is symbolic that even those seemingly harmless things can become a weapon of slaughter. It bears to ask why did Roald Dahl use frozen leg lamb? Why not beef’s leg or pig’s leg which are bigger? It is because lamb symbolizes meekness and harmlessness which could fool people such as the police who were made to eat the lamb which was the weapon that they were looking for. Who would have thou ght in the first place that a lamb could be used as a weapon to kill? Not only that it is harmless as an animal but also delectable as a food. This concept of using seemingly harmless things such as food as weapon is no longer new. Throughout history food has been used as a weapon to kill enemies because again, food looks so harmless in addition to a necessity that we all have to eat. Thus, foods are weaponize by adding poison to them so that they could kill the unsuspecting enemy. The type of poison that can be added is wide ranging that can include anything from adding to bacteria, virus and chemical compounds to make the foods that is supposed to nourish to become lethal and deadly. The modern use of food as weapon may no longer be as a batting tool to strike its victim just like Mary did to her husband Patrick. For one, it is impractical to freeze a lamb leg just for it to be used as a weapon. Second, assuming that it has been frozen, it cannot stay hard for a long time to remai n as a weapon. And if indeed it will be used as a weapon, it is ineffective as a dangerous weapon. It may have killed Patrick in the short of Roald Dahl’s "Lamb to the Slaughter" but it may not have been intentional and could be more of an accident. Mary did not plan to murder her husband but perhaps as a mindless reaction when she learned that her husband Patrick will leave her. But it illustrated how food can become inconspicuous when used as a weapon. We can only hope that the use of food as a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Did Piaget View Cognitive Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Did Piaget View Cognitive Development - Essay Example How Did Piaget View Cognitive Development? Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was one of the leading developmental psychologists that mainly focused on the impact of environmental and social factors on human development, particularly cognitive development in children. His theories on how a child’s way of thinking grows and adapts through acquiring experiences through the process of interacting with nonliving things as well as by engaging in social interaction with other children or adults, was very much looked upon especially during the pre-war era. Most of the theories were to be tested as models for improving people’s learning in school or at work, but were not tested fully after World War II broke out. In theory, development can either be continuous or discontinuous. Continuous development is related to the human development through gradual progress from infancy to adulthood. Discontinuous development, on the other hand, occurs through a fixed sequence that has discrete and predictable stages. In Piaget’s view on cognitive development in humans, the trend is rather discontinuous, and that growth is seen as having specific, qualitatively different stages. Each stage then has particular information-processing approaches that would be based on memory and language skills acquired at a certain stage. Also, cognitive growth is stimulated by what a child perceives, and that the process of learning can be enhanced by letting the child experience and discover new things suitable for his or her age.